No matter how nice and beautiful things can be, there may come a time when they may reach a hole of darkness. For example, most of the marriages start with the bright hopes in the couples’ hearts. They always think that marital lives are the happy ending of their love. They will live with their loved ones forever, spend tough time together or even make the unforgettable moments with each other.
However, numerous life matters can strongly crack their rainbow dreams. At one point or another, some of them can be weakened by challenges and dilemmas. There will be surely a serious matter once holding on becomes more difficult, and we have no choices, except losing our grip and letting go.

- Frequent fights!
We fight and argue about some minor and trivial things in life. We enable small things to grow more complicated and bigger. Of course, we tend to find ourselves in these circumstances like that.
- Recall some past events
Actually, it is completely fine to look back, and then remember something that happened in the past. However, it will become a big problem when we continually mention the hurtful things in our past, and then use them to fight against our mate.
- Lack respect in the relationship
According to Dr. Savage, one of the most significant factors of a healthy marriage will be mutual respect. Therefore, in case both of us have a tendency to keep on shouting at each other, it has already a sign of disrespect. Sometimes, another sign can be when we deliberately hurt each other, emotionally or physically.
- Communication gap
Try to recognize whether there is any gap between the 2 of us or not. Do we feel that a person we live with seems to be a stranger to us? If yes is the answer to these above questions, they are certainly the signs of troubled marriage.
- Keep secrets
Both of us don’t treat each other as the partners any more. Instead of sharing anything with our mate, we prefer to keep them for ourselves.
- Lack attraction
Do we find ourselves incompatible in bed? Is there any gap between both when having sex? If the answer is yes, then we can lose this marriage any time. As mentioned, intimacy is known as one of the basic and important parts of a marital life. Once it is gone, our spousal life will be at risk.
- No compromising in terms of needs and wants
One of the major factors of a healthy marriage is to attempt to fulfill our partner’s requirements while also ensuring that our own demands are met. However, if our mate continually refuses to listen to what we are really in need of (affection, time, help with chores or children rearing, sex/physical contact, etc.), or even refuses to share his personal needs with us, we are not in a good place.
- Live with the serial cheater
Lots of men in the world are merely not cut out for marriage; they can not remain monogamous, even if they were likely to desire to get married. These men can control to put the blame for their untrustworthiness or philandering on us, usually for being too controlling or jealous. Try to be careful with this person if he is our mate. He can find any way to give us his apologies, regrets and a certain promise to end any his secretive relationships. With this serial cheater, we can find it really hard to change his nature, so don’t hesitate to leave him as soon as possible.
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