Congratulations! You have newly got married. From now on, you have many things to prepare and consider for your new life together. It is time to create a plan for a happy couple’s life.
After preparing every decoration, wedding favor, and everything for your life event, you had a big ceremony, party, or a romantic honeymoon. However, both of you have to return to the practical life. Just stand in your house, look around, and think of what you should do.

Let’s open gifts with your beloved, and make sure that you send thank-you cards for each of those gifts. Now, come on and sit down to write the personalized thank you notes out. You don’t need to write so long. Let’s complete all of them pretty quickly at night after work. Don’t forget to mention the particular gift in the card. You can also write a sentence about how to use it.
If you are intended to change your name after marriage, let’s go to work making that name change legal. The steps are not so complicated. If you want to choose your last name, beware of the process which can take much time since you visit several local locations.
Honestly, you have to secure you new social security card, passport, credit cards, and driver’s license with your new name. Please, research and know exactly what documentations you need to bring in order to change the paperwork fast and efficiently.
You should have a plan for financial security on your to-do list. Establishing the budget of two salaries requires some thoughts. Take your time to discuss how to consolidate the debt or something like that. Will you rent or purchase an apartment, and how will you afford that?
Once you are planning for a happy family, will both of you work full-time job? How and when will you have enough money to retire? This is one of the practical aspects of a couple’s life to combine two individuals each other.
Have you planned to move soon after wedding? Ensure that your relatives know how to meet and find you. Change new address with your credit cards, bank accounts, and utilities. Then, buy necessary furniture for daily activities. Decorate and create your house to be a warm and happy place.
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